March Comes in Like a Lion Wiki

"Hina" is the third episode of the anime adaptation of Sangatsu No Lion.


Hinata has a crush on a boy from her school's baseball team and wants to prepare him a bento box. Rei takes Hinata to buy the things she needs to make the lunch. Hinata didn't take Akari's advice to stick to cooking what she knows and ends up rushing the lunch and being late to school.

On his way back from shopping, Rei spots Hinata at her middle school baseball game, where she cheers her crush on. The look in her eyes reminds Rei of "love" and he remembers a faceless woman pushing him down and removing his glasses before starting to undress him. The memory dries any sense of happiness or excitement for Hinata from him.

Hinata tries giving the bento box to her crush, but is forced out and ingored by the crowd of people that swarm him. When she goes to throw it away, Rei stops her. Hinata reveals she can't confide in her sister about this because Akari is too pretty and wouldn't understand. Rei believes he can't understand women.

When Hinata returns home, she learns the same thing happened to her sister before. Turns out that her bento tasted really bad, which made her being unable to give the box to her crush a good thing.

Harunobu practices with Rei, despite Rei's protests to study alone. Harunobu believes he will develop a technique to be taught generations to come. Rei doesn't understand what any of it has to do with him. They go out for lunch and happen upon Momo. Momo confuses Harunobu for a character from her favorite movie and instantly takes a liking to him. When Akari sees Harunobu, she becomes flustered and invites him over for dinner with Rei. Turns out that Akari has a thing for very soft and plump things.

Harunobu can only eat certain foods, so Akari takes pride in cooking something tasty but healthy for Harunobu. Harunobu's butler comes by, and Harunobu says his butler always comes to pick him up no matter where he is, but Rei caught the butler nearly saying he uses a GPS.

